A will or trust contest can derail your final wishes, rapidly deplete your estate, and tear your loved ones apart. But with proper planning, you can help your family avoid a potentially disastrous will or trust contest.
If you are concerned about challenges to your estate plan, consider the following:
- Do not attempt “do it yourself” solutions. If you are concerned about an heir contesting your estate plan, the last thing you want to do is attempt to write or update your will or trust on your own. Only an experienced estate planning attorney can help you put together and maintain an estate plan that will discourage lawsuits and ensure all legal formalities are followed.
- Let family members know about your estate plan. When it comes to estate planning, secrecy breeds contempt. While it is not necessary to let your family members know all of the intimate details of your estate plan, you should let them know that you have taken the time to create a plan that spells out your final wishes and who they should contact if you become incapacitated or die.
- Use discretionary trusts for problematic beneficiaries. You may feel that you have to completely disinherit a beneficiary because of concerns that he or she will squander their inheritance or use it in a manner that is against your beliefs or harmful to them. However, there is an alternative to disinheriting someone. For example, you can require that the problematic beneficiary’s share be held in a lifetime discretionary trust and name a neutral, third party, such as a bank or trust company, as trustee. This will ensure that the beneficiary will receive his or her inheritance according to the terms and conditions you have dictated, while keeping the money out of the hands of unintended parties, such as creditors or an ex-spouse. You will also be able to control who will inherit the balance of the trust if the beneficiary dies before the funds are completely distributed.
- Choose your Trustee wisely: In our office we recommend that one trustee server at time. If you insist on joint trustee do not think, that appointing people who don’t get along will suddenly see eye to eye. You will just have an on-going mess!
- Keep your estate plan up to date. Estate planning is not a one-time transaction – it is an ongoing process. Therefore, as your circumstances change, you should update your estate plan. An up-to-date estate plan shows that you have taken the time to review and revise your plan as your family and financial situations change. This, in turn, will discourage challenges since your plan will encompass your current estate planning goals.
By following these four tips, your heirs will be less likely to challenge your estate planning decisions and will be more inclined to fulfill your final wishes. If you are concerned about heirs contesting your will or trust, please contact us at 617-485-0193 as soon as possible.