November 2023 Newsletter

Legal Lines News
Estate Planning and Elder Law
November 2023

Your Legacy: How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
An epitaph, by definition, is a brief phrase or sentence expressing a sentiment, often inscribed on a tombstone. Epitaph Day is a symbolic event dedicated to the contemplation and creation of our desired epitaphs. It is a gentle and meaningful reminder of the impermanent nature of life and the importance of having a plan for the future.
The Real Story Behind Trust Fund Kids
When we hear the phrase “trust fund kid,” words like “entitled,” “privileged,” and “financially irresponsible” might come to mind. But another word we should associate with “trust fund kid” is “protected.”

Assembling Your Own (Estate Planning) Team
It can take an entire team, all with different strengths, to successfully plan for life’s foreseen and unforeseen events. Working with quality professionals enables you to ensure that you are creating the best possible comprehensive plan and that it is done the right way.

(Karen, Susana and Frank)
A Personal Note From Susana
Charitable Giving
This is the time that many of us begin to think about our end of the year finances, expenditures, and the possibility of charitable giving. My yearly donations to both the Boston Ballet and to the University North Carolina School of the Arts Dance Program are my personal expression of gratitude for the Ballet training I had as a young person; and for the enjoyment I gain from watching young people carry on the Ballet tradition, as well as the remarkable people I have met both during and after my training.